Hi, I’m Beatriz (Bety) and I’m happy to share the love of sewing! Here is a little bit about myself.
I’m from Mexico, I’m married and have two beautiful cats, Leo and Luna. Yes, small family! although I come from a big family.
My mom thought me hand sewing and cross stitching when I was around 10 years old. I also was interested in learning how to use the sewing machine but it broke the first time I was about to use it! So that was the end of my adventure because we couldn’t afford to fix it.
Years later I started working in a company where they sale big rolls of quilted fabric, I learned how to use those huge sewing machines and also got a brief introduction to the industrial sewing machine. That’s how I got interested in sewing again!
My boyfriend who is my husband now, gave me my first sewing machine years ago and I started sewing as a hobby but eventually I discovered that this is what I really feel passionate about and I want to share my knowledge with others.
I learned by watching YouTube videos, reading sewing blogs and I also took an intensive sewing course and the Early Riser Fashion Designer course at Rightfully Sewn, located in downtown Missouri, which I highly recommend if you are looking for advanced sewing classes.
In 2018, I started my sewing blog Crear y Coser (in Spanish) where I share my projects and found out how many people want to learn to make their clothes or crafts. I love helping people and blogging it’s a great way to do it!
I wish I had found my passion earlier in life, that’s why I want to help kids to learn how to sew and discover all the great things they can create if they learn how to use a sewing machine.
Looking forward to having your kid in my sewing studio soon. 🙂
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